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Helllo friends, Namaste ! I am Bhalakaji Rai (B.K. Rai). I'd like to warm welcome to my brand new website wvisiontreks.com. I am working in the field of tourism services since 3 decades. I worked in ......... trekking company for ...... years for trekking. And in ...... AD I have established my own trekking company "Worldvisin Trekking & Expedition Pvt. Ltd. I have served with Siera Club of USA for many years. In the past trekking was different from today's ones. That time, we have to maintain tent and have to borrow all the necessary appliances for fooding. But in these days, we can find tea houses and home stay in the route of most of the destinations. So, we don't need to borrow such accessories for selter and food. It makes our trip more smarter, easier and cheaper too. Government of Nepal had declared the year 2020 as Visit Nepal Year. I was also excited for the moment to be more active and conduct more trip in various trails of popular and famour destinations. But due to Corono Virus "Covid19", it was cancelled. The tourism sector badly affected due to long period lockdown and imposed time to time.
The toutism business was isolated for around 3 yers. I stayed at home feeling insecure from the corona virus and there was no any business. But I believe that after every dark night, the golden morning with sunrise will happen. As the rule of nature. So, I have updated my website with almost all renowned destinations with new and optimised itinerary as well as updated price. I hope my friends and other recommended new visitors will enjoy to plan their holidays to be spent in Nepal's most sacred places to visit. Also I'd like to request my friends who already visited Nepal and spent some time with me will give me their testimonials and share their memory with my website wvisiontreks.com. Please Share your experience.
I also would like to thank my friends from abroad who had been with me during their visit to Nepal and give me chance to serve them.
Besides doing business, with the valuable support and contribution, I have carried out several social works in my very remote village 'Lokhim'. Healthpost, building and medical equipments for it, Library building and necessary reading materials for it, IT and Education materials for Jnta Higher Secondary School, Hostel building for the students of Janta Higher Secondary School, Co-operative for farmer are the instances of permanent infrastructures we have built/developed in our village. Health checking tools also provided to health workers. In addition, we have regularly conducted Dental Camp, Eye Camp, Gynaeocology Camp have been conducted every year since 1995 AD. From such camp many people of our community directly benefitted.All these activities was impossible without their help and co-operation. I am always thankful and obliged towards my friends who visited Nepal and gave me opportunity to serve them and extend their hands for the development of my Lokhim Community.
I would like to resume such activities in the community. So, I also would like to appeal all friends to visit Nepal to enjoy holidays and also extend their supports for the uplifment of our society.